Anara Health

Anara Health

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Thyroid Hormone Treatment



If there is a decline in the normal production of hormones, a person has hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can appear at any age but it is more likely to start during middle age as other hormones decline. It results in imbalances that have both physical and psychological effects. Some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism are:
Hypothyroidism is very treatable. If your hypothyroidism is mild or borderline, it can be treated with a combination of diet, herbs, and supplements. if it is not, at Anara Health we can include thyroid hormones as part of your treatment in order to correct the deficiency.


Hyperthyroidism is when the thyroid is producing too much thyroid hormone. Some symptoms are racing heart and insomnia. There are treatments using homeopathy, herbs and supplements that are effective when the hyperthyroidism is mild. In severe cases, surgical intervention or radioactive iodine is necessary.